1When standing under the thundering clouds you hear the rains and storms within silences . When brimmed amidst solitary quietness you absorb even the shadows of wheezing breezes , when barren enough beside a forgotten painting you brush stroke the canvas with the unseen colours you form with edges of your soul , that moment the universe fall in love with you and you melt with its every breath . The moments you cant see with your waking eyes but can assimilate wit the fingers of your existence.

2 thoughts on “TH MOMENTS UNSEEN

  1. Mesmerizing read.
    Amazing words wisely used
    I am biggest fan of your vocabulary
    They left me feel like I am no where in compare to your words .
    But i am hopefull that inspiration that i take from your diction will work.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank u anila for your words, they mean alot. Though i don’t consider my words as worthy but your applauding comments have made me feel overwhelmed. Thanks ☺


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